Pour la prochaine séance du Séminaire Collection, nous sommes heureux d’accueillir :
Kristina Borovkova – Université de Poitiers
Pratiques d’un collectionneur d’estampes dans la première moitié du XIX siècle : la « Bibliographie pittoresque » du collectionneur et bibliophile orléanais Jean-Michel Constant Leber.
20 septembre 2022, en ligne sur Zoom, 18h30-20h00
La conférence, gratuite, aura lieu sur Zoom. Veillez à vous inscrire au préalable, afin de recevoir les informations nécessaire, à cette adresse : collection.seminaire@gmail.com
Collecting Impressions: Six Centuries of Print Connoisseurship
Join the Frick Library’s Center for the History of Collecting for a four-part online lecture series exploring the history of print collecting. Each session is free with registration.
Part One: The Print Collector and the Printseller Wednesday, October 7, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Antony Griffiths, Former Keeper, Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum
Part Two: Booksellers and the International Distribution of Prints from Antwerp in the Early Seventeenth Century Wednesday, October 14, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Karen Bowen, independent scholar, Antwerp
Part Three: Heinz Berggruen and the Postwar Print Market Wednesday, October 21, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Blair Asbury Brooks, Ph.D. candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Part Four: Conversation with Collectors Leslie Garfield and Jordan Schnitzer Wednesday, October 28, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Jennifer Farrell, Associate Curator, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This series is co-organized by The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Department of Drawings and Prints and made possible through the support of the IFPDA Foundation.