Appel à communication pour le AAH 2020 : Pre-Modern Women as Artists, Patrons and Collectors (Birmingham, 14-16 avril 2021)

Association for Art History’s 47th Annual Conference (AAH)
University of Birmingham, 14 – 16 avril 2021

Pre-Modern Women as Artists, Patrons and Collectors

Session Convenor:
Jamie Edwards,

The study of women in pre-modern times is a well-established field that has generated important scholarship. But, as ongoing research shows, there is no shortage of new material yet to be analysed, or existing evidence that can be nuanced in the light of new methodological approaches. And whilst recent monographic exhibitions attest to the enduring appeal of ‘female artists’ in the ‘genius’ tradition (e.g. Anguissola, Gentileschi), new and ongoing work in the field points to different ways that women’s interaction with visual and material culture can be approached. The application of new digital and mapping technologies, meanwhile, is enabling scholars to propose alternative, non-linear narratives of pre-modern women’s lives.

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Appel à communication : “Patrons, Intermediaries and Venetian Artists” (Ljubljana, 24-26 septembre 2020)

Patrons, Intermediaries and Venetian Artists in Vienna and Imperial Domains (1650-1750)

Date limite : 15 april 2020

ICCHS, International Center for Comparative Historical Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-26 septembre 2020
Organisation : Enrico Lucchese, Matej Klemenčič, at ICCHS – International Center for Comparative Historical Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

The importance of Patrons and Painters (1963) for the study in the relations between Italian art and society in the age of the Baroque is well known. As the title of Francis Haskell’s book suggests, the protagonists of the artistic production of that period were precisely the artists and their patrons, whereas a number of intermediaries acted together with them. Moreover, these fascinating cultural figures could themselves be patrons, perhaps at a less princely but no less important level. Among the Venetians, Anton Maria Zanetti the Elder and Francesco Algarotti are two famous eighteenth-century case studies. The plurality of contemporary definitions for intermediaries (i.e. intendenti, amatori, dilettanti, etc.) reflects the complexity of a cosmopolitan world that found its representation both traditionally in the court and in contemporary forms of communication, such as music, theater, and correspondence.

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